Wild in Art Trails
The Big Hop 2023
Jodie took part in the 2023 Big Hop Trail, which ran over the summer in Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Moray, Orkney and Shetland to raise money for and awareness of the work that CLAN Cancer support do for the patients and their families. During the trail Jodie’s hare “Hidden in the Hedgerow” was situated in the beautiful Tankerness Gardens on the isle of Orkney.
This sculpture took 293 hours to paint and consists of many of our local flora and fauna.
Painted on the sculpture is……. 15 Fly Agaric Mushrooms - 1 Squirrel - 1 Common Frog - 1 Harvest Mouse - 1 Robin - 1 Blackbird - 3 Snails - 1 Fox Cub - 1 Badger Cub - 1 Blue Tit - 3 Butterflies - 7 Bumblebee’s - 1 Barn Owl - Heather - Forget-Me-Not - Poppies - Cow Parsley
After the trail all sculptures go up for auction. Graeme and Fiona Barber the owners of the Alford Butchers Shop purchased the sculpture, and she can now be viewed at any time outside their shop, in Alford, Aberdeenshire. They asked the primary 1 pupils from Alford Primary to give her a name, so she is now called Rosie.
Below is Harmony hare - Jodie helped the pupils of Alford Primary School with painting this leveret that was also part of the Big Hop Trail, it is now situated back at Alford Primary School in their quiet garden. It has the fingerprints of every pupil and staff member on its face.
Harmony Hare - Alford Primary School

Light the North 2021
Jodie painted her first sculpture in 2021, this 2 meter high lighthouse was part of the 2021 Light the North art trail, which was run for two months in the summer around Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Orkney and Shetland.
“Dreaming of a clean ocean” was sponsored by NorthLink Ferries and was situated at their ferry terminal in Aberdeen during the trail. KNC Groundwork’s from Alford purchased it at auction and you can now view it at the entrance to their yard in Alford, Aberdeenshire. All monies raised went to CLAN cancer support.
BELOW - After the Light the North trail Kev Crawford from KNC Groundwork’s purchased a mini blank light house at the CLAN Ball, Jodie painted Kev’s rally cars on the mini lighthouse in a Scottish Rally forest scene.
KNC Rally Mini Lighthouse